Gelboys (2025)
High schooler Fou4Mod is often invited by gel nail boy Chian to get their nails done in Siam Square, his flirting making Fou4Mod fall for him. However, he later realises he’s being kept in reserve when he discovers that Chian has also been inviting luk khrueng TikToker Bua to get their nails done together too. To make Chian jealous, Fou4Mod decides to use his close friend Babin to do the same.
Director: Boss Naruebet Kuno
Also known as: Gel Boys Satana Gak Jai Sathana Kak Chai เจลบอย เจลบอยส์ GELBOYS สถานะกั๊กใจ
Country: Thailand
Status: Ongoing
Release Year: 2025
Gelboys (2025) full episodes
Gelboys (2025) Episode 5